Words by Tahlia Hunter
"I was afraid of being rejected Until I learned to never reject myself
I was afraid of being abandoned Until I learned to never abandon myself
I was afraid of the opinions of others Until I learned that they held no more weight than my own
I was afraid of painful endings Until I realised that they were also new beginnings
I was afraid of appearing weak Until I realised how strong I truly was
I was afraid of being seen as small and unimportant Until I discovered my true power and potential
I was afraid of being perceived as ugly Until I learned to fully appreciate my own beauty
I was afraid of failure Until I learned that it was an illusion
When viewed through the eyes of love, growth and learning
I was afraid of feeling low Until I learned that it was the birthplace of brilliance And where my greatest transformation occurred
I was afraid of change Until I realised it was an inevitable part of life In a world full of things temporary and fleeting
I was afraid of being alone Until I learned to fully embrace and appreciate my own company
I was afraid of my uniqueness Until I learned that it was where my greatness lay
I was afraid of the darkness Until I remembered that I was the light
And I was afraid of life Until I remembered who I was."